Thursday, March 25, 2010

Inquiry (Contact me)

This is an inquiry form.
anyone can make an inquiry for any problem regarding Technology.

Commands - (Technology Refrences)

There are lots of kind of commands you found here like Software technology, networking, etc....

There are certain commands used to establish the svn (Subversion) server.

Subversion (SVN) :-

svn import svn://localhost/Projects/TaskManagementSystem/

svn import TaskManagementSystem "file:///D:/users/work/svnrepository/Projects/TaskManagementSystem"

To take a backup of svn repository :
svnadmin dump D:/users/work/svnrepository/ > D:/users/work/svnbackup/svnrepobackup.dump

To load a svn repository from Backup dump of svn repository.
$ svnadmin load newrepos <>

To remove the repository : svnadmin deltify D:/users/work/svnrepository/

To restore the repository from the backup dump :
svnadmin load D:/users/work/svnrepository <>

Monday, March 22, 2010

Java - References

This is all about java references to solve the developers queries and to resolve the developer errors. This is very useful links need for developers.
